If you are an account administrator you can add users to your account by following the steps below:
- Log in to app.apruve.com. On the main page, you should see a link to 'Add members' to the right of the merchant logo:
- Click the link 'Add members'
- Add the email address of the user you'd like to establish in the email address box and select the permissions of the user on the account:
- Select 'save team member'.
- The contact will receive an email from Apruve informing them that they have been invited to join the purchasing team. They will have to open the email and click the 'join' button and make a password. Once they've made a password, they are all set to use Apruve to place orders, make payments or have admin access all depending on the permissions received.
- To Edit or Remove a User, select their name from the list:
- Select or deselect the Member Role boxes to change their access.
- Select 'Remove From Account' to remove a user.
Please find a video demonstration of the process here:https://apruve.com/setup-purchasing-team/