Use the specific merchant application link to begin the process.
All Applications must be completed online through the Apruve portal. The underwriter cannot review paper copy applications. Your merchant will send you a link to their online credit application. The link will be something like: Depending on your business type, various information on your business will need to be collected, including, but not limited to:
- Applicant’s name and valid business email
- Legal Business Name and address
- EIN, Tax ID, or VAT number
- DUNS number (Optional)
- Requested credit limit with supplier
In addition, please take note of the below helpful tips that will increase the likelihood of your application being approved the first time around:
- AP Contact: Ensure you list an Authorized, and Human, Accounts Payables person. Do not list an automated inbox.
- Verifiable Signatory: Ensure you are listing a Director or C-Level Executive who is publicly verifiable, under the “Buyer Agreement” section of the application (very last step)
- Ensure your business address and Name/DBA match exactly how it is listed on your state/country's documentation legal filing. Example: Secretary of State Filing
- Ensure Website information is accurate.
- Ensure the phone number is Publicly Verifiable.
- Ensure that the IP address from which you are applying matches the location of your company listed on the application.
Apruve values your privacy and all information will be encrypted and securely stored. It will not be shared with 3rd parties under any circumstances.
Here is a short video on the process: