Currency conversions are only available for certain regions. The below information will cover how to convert for EU and Canada Buyers. If you are in a different country/region, contact for more information.
Why convert your USD account to EURO?
EUR accounts will be able to place orders, be invoiced, and pay in euros. Transacting with a EUR account means payment can be made through bank transfer instead of a wire, eliminating any foreign currency transaction fees you may have had previously. However, accounts set up with EUR will only be able to ship orders within the European Union.
Keep in mind that customers can only have one Apruve account: EUR, USD, or CAD. Therefore, we require the closure of your current account first by paying your account in full.
How to initiate converting your account:
- Pay off your current account - send the payment for your account balance to the account listed on your invoices:
- Send payment advice to - to ensure timely payment application, please make sure you send payment advice to the remittance department.
- Contact - to confirm payment and indicate the credit limit needed for your account, in the new currency. Once payment is applied, your current account will be closed. You will not be able to make purchases until your new account is created.
- Review and sign your account information - you will receive an email asking you to review the information on your new account and to sign the terms and conditions. Once the form is signed, your account will be converted within 1 business day.
- Your account is created. We will confirm your new account via email. You will then be able to place purchases with Apruve.