How you make a payment depends on the country and the currency of your Apruve account. Specific payment instructions can be found on the first page of your invoice. Select one of the below articles to get started.
If your Apruve account is in the USA with USD(US$) currency, see this article.
If your Apruve account is in Canada with USD(US$) currency, see this article.
If your Apruve account is in Canada with CAD(Can$) currency, see this article
If your Apruve account is in the European Union with USD($) currency, see this article.
If your Apruve account is in the European Union with EURO(€) currency, see this article.
If your Apruve account is in Great Britain with GBP(£) currency, see this article.
If your Apruve account is in Mainland China, see this article.
If your Apruve account is in any other region, please contact